Urban Design Competition, Al-Madinah Al-Munawarh, KSA

The sabil and the house are the nucleus and the center of the place, from which the events of everything begin and around them the features of the historical square begin in the architectural and urban formation. The project is directed to a different visual and spatial vision, as well as the historical axis that starts from the Noble Prophet’s Mosque, passing through Al-Manakha Square, then Al-Amriya Square, and reaching the ancient train station area. Finally, it reaches the Al-Asifrain neighborhood, the site of the project, and passes through the cultural Palm Square, which embraces the historic Bani Dinar Mosque, and ends at the road. The design proposal emphasized the idea of direct communication with the Railway Museum via the suspended pedestrian bridge to be a strong link with the study site. Through horizontal arteries connected to the path and the historical square, new and existing buildings were also directed to these events, and the more important the event, the more these buildings expressed that importance by embracing it and directing it.